Heart rate zones

Exercising at the right intensity is essential to better your condition, heart rate mode can help you get it right. Heart rate zones span the range between your resting heart rate and your maximum heart rate.

Zone 1: Light
This zone mostly covers regular daily activities such as leisurely strolls, moving around or performing easy tasks within your house or workplace.
Zone 2: Moderate
Activities that get your heart rate to zone 2 include brisk walking, hiking, and leisurely biking. During such moderate intensity activities, your breathing is often deep and you usually start to sweat after ten minutes.
Zone 3: High
Training in this zone will help you get fitter. It may also improve your cardiovascular system and help you control your weight zone.
Zone 4: Anaerobic
You’ll be in this highest zone only for brief periods of time, as anaerobic exercise consists of bursts of high-intensity activity, such as sprinting, interval training, and heavy weight-lifting.

Safety tip: Stop exercising if you feel dizzy, nauseated, short of breath, or if you feel pain in your chest. Consult with your doctor before continuing with exercise.

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