Heart rate recovery

What is heart rate recovery?
Heart rate recovery (HRR) is a measurement of how quickly your heart rate slows in the first minute after an intense workout session of at least 10 minutes. A heart rate recovery of > 12 bpm is normal, but low. A HRR of > 22 bpm is healthy.

How to measure heart rate recovery?
The watch will measure HRR when you are exercising with your heart rate being at least 80% of your maximum heart rate (HRmax) for a minimum of ten minutes. You can calculate your personal maximum heart rate (HRmax) with the following formula: HRmax= 207- (0.7 x your age).

To obtain an estimate of HRR sit down immediately after stopping your activity and then rest for at least 2 minutes to let your heart rate recover. To make HRR estimates better comparable over time, try to estimate HRR in similar settings with respect to: time of day, type of activity and activity duration.

Important safety information: Do not try to estimate your HRR if you are not very active or unaccustomed to high intensity activity.

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