Article ∙ By Philips Healthcare ∙ Jul 18, 2022 ∙ 4 min read
This article looks at the interactive, voice-activated multimedia transforming radiology reporting. This kind of reporting answers the needs of today's referring physicians, who want fast turnaround times and reports with greater clinical insight. Making it quick and easy to create these reports helps radiologists save time while increasing the report's value. In oncology and other complex clinical domains where patients are often followed over long periods of time, referring clinicians look for radiology reports to provide detailed, longitudinal insights without digging for prior reports and manually comparing images.
97% of radiology departments are unable to meet reporting requirements.1
Ever since Wilhelm Röntgen discovered the X-ray 125 years ago, radiology reports have not fundamentally changed format. These reports rely on a text-based narrative to convey findings to physicians and patients.2 What has changed are the expectations for radiologists to provide reports within rapid turnaround times to give referring clinicians the data they need, when they need it, at the point of care. This challenge is complicated by the difficulty of evaluating data that may live in various locations, from multiple modalities, acquired at different levels of image quality, as well as the need to use various advanced visualization solutions on separate workstation solutions to address complex cases. These reports need to be read accurately, and easily available for clinicians and other radiologists for consultation. This is a lot to ask of an old-style radiology report.
Given healthcare's insatiable demand for diagnostic imaging and a growing global shortage of imaging professionals, radiologists will be under more significant pressure to produce timely reports with better data and greater clinical insight. Supporting them is critical to helping clinical teams move patients efficiently along the care pathway.
Fortunately, radiology reporting is moving into the hyperlinked, voice-activated, multimedia world that already enhances our everyday lives. A more content-rich report allows radiologists to share the data and analysis behind image interpretation, providing greater value to referring physicians. Interactive multimedia reporting allows radiologists to embed key images for side-by-side comparison with hyperlinks to view prior studies in the enterprise viewer and tables and graphs to track the progress of findings over time. With voice dictation, a clinician can simply use commands such as 'add key images' to embed images into the report. Adding quantitative data from advanced post-processing is easy too. There's no need to navigate between different tabs, places in the menu, or within the application. Native interactive multimedia reporting and advanced visualization applications, as part of a single unified workspace, eliminate the need for a separate reporting solution.
Radiologists at Hospital Nuestra Señora del Rosario, in Madrid, Spain, share how multimedia reporting has streamlined their clinical workflows and automated communication of clinical insights.
“Increasing automation and quantification greatly increases the quality of the report."
Eliseo Vañó Galván, MD Cardiovascular Radiologist and Chair of the CT & MR Department, Hospital Nuestra Señora del Rosario, Madrid, Spain
Referring clinicians can now click on the embedded images for closer inspection without leaving the report. This feature can be a big time-saver. One study showed that multimedia reports could save oncologists 8.9 minutes assessing a patient's tumor burden compared to text-only reports.3
Multimedia reporting is a proven time-saver for radiologists, and it significantly increases the depth and quality of information it conveys. With embedded voice-recognition capability, this module of the Philips enterprise imaging platform can help cut reporting turnaround time by eliminating the need for typing and manual entry of patient data or clinical context. Exam data can be inserted directly into reports, enabling radiologists to quickly review and approve final reports while adding clinical context for referring physicians.
Philips interactive multimedia reporting module offers users a single interface for reading images and reporting. It includes the ability to embed key images for side-by-side comparison, add charts, graphs and hyperlinks to easily view bookmarked findings as part of the entire imaging study, and utilize speech recognition and editing capabilities. All of this is integrated with quantitative data from advanced post-processing across dozens of image analysis applications.
Results from case studies are not predictive of results in other cases. Results in other cases may vary. [1] [2] Folio L, et al. Multimedia-enhanced radiology reports: concept, components, and challenges. RadioGraphics. 2018;38(2): DOI: 10.1148/rg.2017170047 [3] Folio L, et al. Initial experience with multimedia and quantitative tumor reporting appears to improve oncologist efficiency in assessing tumor burden. Research findings presented at the RSNA 101th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL. 2015.
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