Get on-demand expert support for complex exams with remote collaboration

Article ∙ By Philips Healthcare ∙ Sep 26, 2022 ∙ 3 min read


Respiratory care

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On demand support

Qualified imaging technologists and tech managers are already in short supply, and the forecast for meeting the increasing demand is not optimistic.1 To make things worse, training programs are not filling the funnel with new technologists. In this article, you will learn how imaging teams can benefit from more access to on-demand experts for real-time remote clinical diagnosis* with remote system control, decision support on complex exams and accelerated training on demand for imaging teams.

Imaging teams are under more and more pressure

Up to 50% of radiography programs are not fully enrolled2, and workforce shortages have strained radiology services while the need for imaging studies continues to grow.3 You're living this every day. Increasing demands of care systems put added pressure on already stretched imaging teams. The complexity of technology and cases makes challenges with staffing, skill variability and quality standardization more apparent than ever.

  • 3 out of 5 technologists want more on the job training4
  • 3 out of 5 lead technologists want more imaging protocol standardization4
  • 4 out of 5 imaging respondents believe an imaging telepresence solution would add value4

How care transforms when physical distance is no longer an obstacle

A technologist can now receive expert guidance during a procedure, even if the technologist and expert are on different floors, in different buildings, or in different time zones. The less time clinical experts spend traveling between the locations they support, the more time they can devote to performing their specialized capabilities.

“I love the fact that every time I see a connection, I know that I'm improving quality and consistency and the fundamental principle of ‘let's get the exam right the first time’... This is one of the most quality-focused, impactful tools.“

Dr. Lawrence Tanenbaum

VP, Chief Technology Officer and Director of Advanced Imaging,RadNet, Inc., U.S.

Expand access to care

Patients can benefit from greater access to expert care, whether in rural areas, in quarantine conditions, or with limited mobility. When imaging providers can offer complex procedures at more locations, closer to where patients live, and at more flexible hours, it means less hassle and more convenience for patients. It's made possible by the confidence that trained experts are available on-demand to provide 'over-the-shoulder' support as if physically present.


Remote expert support is changing what’s possible with imaging today. See the success that Perinatal Associates of New Mexico is having with tele-ultrasound.

  • 100% of ultrasound patient consultations could be conducted using tele-health in this study5
  • 100% of patients felt they had better access to healthcare through tele-health in this study5
  • 90% of tele-ultrasound consultations were equivalent to an in-person visit, based on physician assessment5

Go deeper

Watch the videos below to learn how these solutions can help you address your challenges.

Optimize your imaging network

Optimize imaging

Real-time remote diagnosis and guidance

Remote diagnosis

Early adopters share their success in 'going remote' Watch webinar

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*Accessible via compatible clients including iOS, Android, Chrome web browser and Windows with release 9.0 or higherResults from case studies are not predictive of results in other cases. Results in other cases may vary.

[1] In a 2016 study by the Advisory Board, 28% of imaging departments surveyed reported being understaffed, with an annual uptick in vacancy rates for all imaging modalities since 2013. Imaging's System Advantage: Five goals for achieving systemness in imaging, Advisory Board Company, 2016.

[2] "Enrollment snapshot of Radiography, Radiation Therapy and Nuclear Medicine Technology Programs-2017." American Society of Radiologic Technologists. snapshot/enrollment_snapshot_2017.pdf

[3]  C. Silvestrin. Europe's looming radiology capacity challenge. TMC. November 9, 2016.

[4] IDR Medical. "ROCC Concept Assessment." 05 May 2020.

[5] Prospective study of 30 subjects undergoing routine obstetric ultrasound imaging, New Mexico, USA. Michael S. Ruma, et al., The Use of a Novel Telemedicine Tool in Perinatology [abstract]. 30th ISUOG World Congress, 2020.

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