LumiGuide 3D device guidance in use


A breakthrough innovation powered by
Fiber Optic RealShape (FORS) technology 

    Our vision and mission

    3D device guidance in a radiation-free environment 

    LumiGuide intro video one

    Our solution  

    LumiGuide; 3D device guidance using the magic of light

    LumiGuide intro video two

    LumiGuide – powered by Fiber Optic RealShape – gives you unprecedented, full-shape 3D device* visualization. From any angle. In real-time. With distinctive colors. And integrated into your known roadmap techniques. 

    By using the magic of light, you can work confidently and safely in an increasingly radiation-free lab.
    LumiGuide aims to take you “light years” beyond current standards, so you can see more, perform fast, stay safe – and push the boundaries of care for your patients. 


    Main benefits of LumiGuide

    See more 

    LumiGuide offers a ground-breaking way of visualizing the full shape of devices inside the body. In real-time, from unrestricted viewing angles, with distinctive colors and in 3D.  


    “LumiGuide simplifies navigation in tortuous vessels.” 


    Technical note

    Fiber Optic RealShape (FORS) Technology for Endovascular Navigation in Severe Tortuous Vessels, Giuseppe Panuccio, Tilo Kölbel; Jan 2022

    JET, Jan 2022

    Perform fast 

    Through clear visualization, from any angle, the time required for catheterization and cannulation in branched/complex endovascular aortic repair can be significantly reduced. 


    37% procedure time reduction during complex aortic procedures (LumiGuide compared to fluoroscopy) 


    Single-center historical cohort comparison

    Clinical research study, initial single-center experience using Fiber Optic RealShape guidance in complex endovascular aortic repair, Journal of Vascular Surgery, E. Finnesgard, A. Schanzer; Nov 2022 

    JVS, Jan 2022

    Stay safe 

    By using light instead of X-ray for device visualization, there should be considerably less radiation exposure for patients, operators and supporting staff.  


    ̴ 70% reduction in Fluoroscopy rate observed during navigation of complex aortic procedures (When using LumiGuide)  


    FORS Learn Registry report, May 2023

    Our journey and the latest evidence

    A growing community 

    During the limited-edition phase, Fiber Optic RealShape technology was successfully deployed in more than 900 clinical cases at key sites. During this period, we learned a great deal from how it was used by leading interventionalists.   

    Fors ambassadors

    It’s now time for the next phase, in which new pioneers will help us discover what the wonders of light can achieve. LumiGuide is 510(k) cleared, and is available in the USA.

    For more information on the sites selected for this new release, please get in touch at:

    LumiGuide thumb


    Breakthrough innovation in 3D device guidance 

    We are always interested in engaging with you.

    Let us know how we can help.

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    *FORS- enabled guidewires as well as compatible 0.035" catheters. Other devices are expected to be FORS-enabled in the future.

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