Optimization services

Increase efficiency and deliver continuous improvement

Discover how Philips optimization services provides data analytics and performance improvement services to help increase efficiency, optimize your technology and staff utilization, and provide interim expertise. Optimization services include specific continuous improvement services for your emergency room, ultrasound, radiology and other clinical specialties.

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Philips Healthcare holidays

During holidays, service will be delivered to Customers as contractually indicated, and can be found in your service agreement language. Please contact your Philips Service representative, or Philips Customer Care Solutions Center at
1-800-722-9377 with questions.

2020 IMV Award

Philips optimization services provides data analytics and performance improvement services to help increase processes efficiency, optimize your technology and staff utilization, and provide interim leadership. Collaboratively, we align equipment, services, and Philips-designed efficiencies, to your Emergency Department, Radiology, and other areas of clinical care.

What’s different about Philips services? Our people.

Meet some of your partners in business and see what makes them passionate about helping customers.

Philips Healthcare holidays


Philips Healthcare holidays

January 1, 2021

New Year’s Day

January 18, 2021

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

May 31, 2021

Memorial Day

July 5, 2021 

Independence Day (observed)

September 6, 2021 

Labor Day 

November 11, 2021 

Veterans Day 

November 25, 2021

Thanksgiving Day

November 26, 2021 

Day after Thanksgiving Day 

December 24, 2021

Christmas Day (observed) 


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