
Oral Healthcare routine

The best routine
for your smile

Taking care of your teeth is an important part of your daily routine - or at least it should be.  Most of us don’t stop and think about how we do it, when we do it, or even why we do it. So take a moment, as we break down the optimal oral health care routine and how it can help you get that perfect, healthy smile.

It’s all about plaque


Throughout the day, plaque - a thin layer of bacteria filled biofilm - builds up on your teeth. The bacteria in plaque can cause cavities, tooth decay, bad breath and gum disease. When you brush, you remove that plaque. When you eat, it builds up again. It’s an ongoing battle for your teeth. Which is why it’s so important to follow a solid oral healthcare routine every day if you want to come out on top.

1. Scrape

While you sleep your saliva levels are low, making it easier for odor-producing bacteria to nestle on your tongue.


For a fresh start of your morning, use a tongue scraper or a specialized tongue brush and spray to get rid of any odors. 


2. Brush

This may sound odd, but you should in fact brush your teeth before breakfast. Many typical breakfast foods such as yoghurt, orange juice and coffee are acidic. Acidic foods soften your enamel for up 45 minutes after you have eaten, so brushing right after you eat could actually damage your teeth.


3. Rinse

After breakfast, flush away any remaining bacteria and food debris with mouthwash. Most mouthwashes are acidic, which means they too can soften your enamel, so it’s best to rinse after you brush.

1. Floss

If you don’t floss, you’re only cleaning 60% of your teeth. That’s because 40% of your teeth’s surface is located between your teeth. Flossing improves gum health and your breath, making it a fundamental part of your routine.


It’s best to floss before you brush. By removing the plaque between your teeth, the fluoride in your toothpaste has a better chance of sticking to your enamel.


2. Brush

Your levels of saliva – which acts as a natural buffer against acids - are lowest while you sleep. So make sure you give your teeth a good brush before you hit the sack.


When you’re done, don’t rinse your mouth. Leaving on the residual toothpaste extends its antibacterial effect into the night.

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