Virtual nursing is reimagining healthcare delivery

Profiles in innovation: Showcasing how Philips and its customers drive healthcare transformation

Worldwide nursing shortages and the challenge of caring for increasingly sicker patients require a transformative shift in care delivery. By innovatively deploying virtual nursing solutions, including Philips eCareManager, Philips customers are tackling these challenges head-on and establishing new benchmarks in healthcare excellence. Together, we can create the future of patient care.

Philips eCare MGR Meeting Lisa Mae

Experiencing the virtual nursing impact

Aligning technology with healthcare goals can significantly improve patient experiences and operational efficiency. Hear firsthand from healthcare leaders who have embraced virtual nursing and tele-critical care and experienced remarkable outcomes from enhanced patient safety to optimized care delivery.

Philips eCare MGR Meeting Tracey Fillingame

Innovation beyond the ICU

Hear from WakeMed Health as they extend ICU-level care to emergency rooms via Philips and mobile carts. Learn about the profound impact on patient care, safety and emergency room efficiency through this pioneering initiative —a testament to the adaptability and far-reaching benefits of Philips eCareManager solutions.

Philips eCare MGR Meeting Miguel Gonzales

Virtual nursing mentorship

Discover how Baptist Health System's innovative eCoaching program is revolutionizing the training and development of novice critical care nurses. Explore the expansion of tele-critical care initiatives and their profound impact on staff.

Reimagining care delivery through virtual nursing innovation

Hospital Virtual Care nurse with ICU patient, Caregility camera

Read how nurses at CoxHealth in Springfield, Missouri pioneered change in care delivery by integrating Philips eCareManager into their ICU and Med/Surg units. Check out how their incredible strides in staff satisfaction, operational outcomes and patient care showcase their commitment to nursing innovation.

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