
Privacy questions and feedback

This form is strictly for privacy related queries. General customer service questions will not be answered if submitted by this form. If your question is not related to privacy, please submit it through our contact page:


* This field is mandatory


Please note that prior to fulfilling your request, Philips may require you to verify/validate your identity. We will try to respond in your local language. However, sometimes this may not be possible and the response may be in English. Philips respects your privacy and will process your personal data strictly for the purpose of handling your privacy-related questions/feedback.


Please note your MyPhilips Account is potentially used for various services. When you choose to delete your MyPhilips Account we will also delete all the data associated with your MyPhilips Account, including data collected through Philips mobile apps. Read our Philips Privacy Notice and our the privacy notice of your mobile app(s)

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