

Making a healthy impression

Making a strong first impression goes hand in hand with coming across healthy and energetic. So next time you’re getting ready for a big date or career-changing interview, make sure you follow these tips to look your healthiest.  

Stand tall

Good posture can give an instant impression of confidence and good health. Unfortunately, many of us spend our days sitting at a desk, which doesn’t exactly do wonders for your posture.


For a strong first impression, make a conscious effort to stand or sit up straight; chin up, shoulders back, core muscle engaged. For long-term improvement of your posture, try core stability exercises to keep your spine strong, straight and stable. Sitting on a ball at your desk, rather than a chair, can also help maintain a healthy posture.



Did you know 48% of people say a smile is the first thing they notice about someone? But it’s the bright white smiles that get the double-takes. Studies even indicate people with great smiles are more likely to get hired for a job than candidates with less than perfect smiles.


Before you walk in to land your dream job, a quick brush up with a whitening toothpaste can make your teeth appear whiter by removing surface stains caused by coffee or tea for instance. For real color change though, you’ll need to go a little deeper. With the Philips Zoom! whitening range you can enjoy the confidence of a lasting healthy white smile that will truly give people something to remember you by.

Breathe easy

Not only is bad breath a sign of poor health, it’s also typically a deal-breaker when making great impressions. And since making a great impression is difficult when holding your breath, here are two easy ways to improve your breath quality.


In the short run, a cup of green tea can help temporarily neutralize bad breath. It’s a more natural solution than a breath mint and it also gives you an energy boost.


But if you’re looking for a lasting remedy, try the Philips Sonicare TongueCare+ brush. In combination with the Philips Sonicare BreathRx tongue spray, it’s a surefire way to enjoy the confidence of long-lasting fresh breath.


You skin is your biggest organ. Therefore it should come as no surprise that it plays an important role in your appearance. Just as radiant skin makes you look healthy,  dull and puffy skin has the opposite effect.


Salty foods in particular can make your skin look bloated, because salt retains water. So unless ‘puffy’ is the look you’re going for, lay off the potato chips the night before any big social event.


For long-term protection of your skin, make sure you use plenty of sunscreen – even on non-beach days. Because a fleeting tan just doesn’t outweigh the long-term damage those rays are doing.

If you’re looking to make a truly dazzling entrance, then give our Zoom! Whitening products a try.