Voluntary Recall Information

Philips Respironics Sleep and Respiratory Care devices

News and Updates > Cleaning and inspection instructions for existing accessories

Cleaning and inspection instructions for existing accessories

September 3, 2021

Before resuming therapy on your new or replacement machine, you or your equipment provider must visually inspect the following accessories for evidence of particulate contamination:


  • Tubing
  • Mask components (mask, cushions and integrated tubing)
  • Humidifier tank and seals (if applicable)


If visible particles are evident on any of these components: 


  • discard components and contact your Homecare provider / Durable Medical Equipment provider (DME) for replacement 


If there is no evidence of particles on any of these components: 


  • clean each component per their respective instructions for use 
  • reeassemble and resume therapy on your new device

If you haven't yet registered your device

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