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Feb 28, 2019

Resolving Data Challenges & Improving Value-Based Care Management

Estimated reading time: 3-5 minutes

Sponsored analyst white paper highlights Philips’ population health management platform for supporting continuous care

The adoption of value-based care is driving a shift in how we view a patients’ health – from episodic to a continuum of maintenance and prevention –  empowering patients to meaningfully engage with providers. While care management has traditionally been limited to a subset of diseases and care settings, value-based care is pushing the industry to address the needs of patients across the acuity spectrum with convenient, continuous and personalized care. 


However, healthcare organizations are operating in an ecosystem that is stifled by inefficiency, a lack of actionable insights, and poor adoption of effective digital technology. While providers are faced with unprecedented pressure to adapt to new processes and requirements, they’re contending with a tsunami of inaccessible and fragmented data, causing them to feel ill-equipped to meet quality benchmarks and gaps in care to ultimately be overlooked. Healthcare organizations need tools that support the needs of all stakeholders, reduce the friction between payers and providers, and use data insights to deliver patient-centric care where and when it’s needed. 


During the recent HIMSS 2019 Global Conference & Exhibition in Orlando, FL, IDC released a white paper, “A Digital Platform for Value-Based Care Management,” sponsored by Philips, which highlights the ability of third-party population health management (PHM) platforms to ease the journey from volume to value for all stakeholders. Serving as the architecture of a value-based care strategy, digital PHM platforms allow healthcare organizations to embrace an integrated approach to care. These platforms serve as a centralized source of patient information that accepts and transmits data to and from multiple settings of care, provides insights to guide clinicians to the most appropriate care action, and enables communication and collaboration between stakeholders regarding patient needs.

Philips’ population health management platform augments a health system’s brick and mortar technology infrastructure to help improve clinical and financial outcomes.

Niki Buchanan

Business Leader of Philips Population Insights & Care

“The key to successfully navigating value-based care is having the data necessary to deliver it. It’s tempting to take a shortcut when it comes to aggregating patient data, as it is often fragmented, presented in different formats, and requires significant effort to build the comprehensive data foundation that is necessary for creating a complete patient view,” said Niki Buchanan, Business Leader of Philips Population Insights & Care. “Utilizing a scalable, agnostic digital platform that serves as a single-data source for care management facilitates a healthcare organization’s ability to coordinate care across the continuum. Philips’ population health management platform augments a health system’s brick and mortar technology infrastructure to help improve clinical and financial outcomes.”  


“The industry’s current care management strategies are fragmented and limited in scope, and are ill-suited for value-based care,” said Cynthia Burghard, Research Director with IDC Health Insights. “While there are naturally going to be growing pains, the ability to succeed hinges on the healthcare industry’s willingness and ability to change the lens in which we view health, and how we approach patients on a continuous basis to help them navigate care. Digital PHM platforms hold promise of resolving data challenges and easing the burden for all stakeholders.” 


To learn more, the full IDC white paper can be viewed at the link here

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Kathy O'Reilly

Kathy O'Reilly

Philips Global Press Office

Tel.: +1 978-221-8919

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