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Minimal contact nasal mask

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DreamWisp has been designed to help patients sleep comfortably with every turn. Marrying the freedom of DreamWear’s revolutionary, top of-the-head tube design with Wisp’s proven over-the-nose auto seal cushion creates a mask that lets patients sleep how they want without having frontal tubing in the way.

Top-of-head tube
Top-of-head tube

Top-of-head tube

Patients can sleep in any position they desire—on their stomach, side, or back - without having the hose in front of their face.

Top-of-head tube

Top-of-head tube
Patients can sleep in any position they desire—on their stomach, side, or back - without having the hose in front of their face.

Top-of-head tube

Patients can sleep in any position they desire—on their stomach, side, or back - without having the hose in front of their face.
Click here for more information
Top-of-head tube
Top-of-head tube

Top-of-head tube

Patients can sleep in any position they desire—on their stomach, side, or back - without having the hose in front of their face.
Minimal headgear design
Minimal headgear design

Minimal headgear design

DreamWisp delivers airflow within the frame, provides an open line of sight and a uses smaller footprint than traditional nasal masks.

Minimal headgear design

Minimal headgear design
DreamWisp delivers airflow within the frame, provides an open line of sight and a uses smaller footprint than traditional nasal masks.

Minimal headgear design

DreamWisp delivers airflow within the frame, provides an open line of sight and a uses smaller footprint than traditional nasal masks.
Click here for more information
Minimal headgear design
Minimal headgear design

Minimal headgear design

DreamWisp delivers airflow within the frame, provides an open line of sight and a uses smaller footprint than traditional nasal masks.
Easy-to-use magnetic clips
Easy-to-use magnetic clips

Easy-to-use magnetic clips

Magnetic clips enable quick assembly and release of the headgear which can be especially useful for patients who have dexterity issues.

Easy-to-use magnetic clips

Easy-to-use magnetic clips
Magnetic clips enable quick assembly and release of the headgear which can be especially useful for patients who have dexterity issues.

Easy-to-use magnetic clips

Magnetic clips enable quick assembly and release of the headgear which can be especially useful for patients who have dexterity issues.
Click here for more information
Easy-to-use magnetic clips
Easy-to-use magnetic clips

Easy-to-use magnetic clips

Magnetic clips enable quick assembly and release of the headgear which can be especially useful for patients who have dexterity issues.
Minimal contact nasal cushion
Minimal contact nasal cushion

Minimal contact nasal cushion

Proven Wisp cushion technology provides minimal contact with the face while creating an optimal seal for patients as they sleep.

Minimal contact nasal cushion

Minimal contact nasal cushion
Proven Wisp cushion technology provides minimal contact with the face while creating an optimal seal for patients as they sleep.

Minimal contact nasal cushion

Proven Wisp cushion technology provides minimal contact with the face while creating an optimal seal for patients as they sleep.
Click here for more information
Minimal contact nasal cushion
Minimal contact nasal cushion

Minimal contact nasal cushion

Proven Wisp cushion technology provides minimal contact with the face while creating an optimal seal for patients as they sleep.
  • Top-of-head tube
  • Minimal headgear design
  • Easy-to-use magnetic clips
  • Minimal contact nasal cushion
See all features
Top-of-head tube
Top-of-head tube

Top-of-head tube

Patients can sleep in any position they desire—on their stomach, side, or back - without having the hose in front of their face.

Top-of-head tube

Top-of-head tube
Patients can sleep in any position they desire—on their stomach, side, or back - without having the hose in front of their face.

Top-of-head tube

Patients can sleep in any position they desire—on their stomach, side, or back - without having the hose in front of their face.
Click here for more information
Top-of-head tube
Top-of-head tube

Top-of-head tube

Patients can sleep in any position they desire—on their stomach, side, or back - without having the hose in front of their face.
Minimal headgear design
Minimal headgear design

Minimal headgear design

DreamWisp delivers airflow within the frame, provides an open line of sight and a uses smaller footprint than traditional nasal masks.

Minimal headgear design

Minimal headgear design
DreamWisp delivers airflow within the frame, provides an open line of sight and a uses smaller footprint than traditional nasal masks.

Minimal headgear design

DreamWisp delivers airflow within the frame, provides an open line of sight and a uses smaller footprint than traditional nasal masks.
Click here for more information
Minimal headgear design
Minimal headgear design

Minimal headgear design

DreamWisp delivers airflow within the frame, provides an open line of sight and a uses smaller footprint than traditional nasal masks.
Easy-to-use magnetic clips
Easy-to-use magnetic clips

Easy-to-use magnetic clips

Magnetic clips enable quick assembly and release of the headgear which can be especially useful for patients who have dexterity issues.

Easy-to-use magnetic clips

Easy-to-use magnetic clips
Magnetic clips enable quick assembly and release of the headgear which can be especially useful for patients who have dexterity issues.

Easy-to-use magnetic clips

Magnetic clips enable quick assembly and release of the headgear which can be especially useful for patients who have dexterity issues.
Click here for more information
Easy-to-use magnetic clips
Easy-to-use magnetic clips

Easy-to-use magnetic clips

Magnetic clips enable quick assembly and release of the headgear which can be especially useful for patients who have dexterity issues.
Minimal contact nasal cushion
Minimal contact nasal cushion

Minimal contact nasal cushion

Proven Wisp cushion technology provides minimal contact with the face while creating an optimal seal for patients as they sleep.

Minimal contact nasal cushion

Minimal contact nasal cushion
Proven Wisp cushion technology provides minimal contact with the face while creating an optimal seal for patients as they sleep.

Minimal contact nasal cushion

Proven Wisp cushion technology provides minimal contact with the face while creating an optimal seal for patients as they sleep.
Click here for more information
Minimal contact nasal cushion
Minimal contact nasal cushion

Minimal contact nasal cushion

Proven Wisp cushion technology provides minimal contact with the face while creating an optimal seal for patients as they sleep.


Product Details
Product Details
  • Daily: Hand wash the non-fabric parts
  • Weekly: Hand wash the fabric parts
  • Silicone, Polycarbonate, Polyurethane foam, Nylon, Spandex, Polyester, Spandex, Magnet, Acetal
Mask Type
  • Nasal
  • Petite, Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large
  • 90 days
  • Inspect daily for wear, replace at first sign of wear
Intent of Use
  • To be used on patients greater than 30kg with a CPAP prescription
Operating Specifications
Operating Specifications
Operating pressure
  • 4 - 30 cmH2O
Warning: Magnetic Interference
Warning: Magnetic Interference
Beware with pacemakers
  • Read IFU before using
Product Details
Product Details
  • Daily: Hand wash the non-fabric parts
  • Weekly: Hand wash the fabric parts
Operating Specifications
Operating Specifications
Operating pressure
  • 4 - 30 cmH2O
See all specifications
Product Details
Product Details
  • Daily: Hand wash the non-fabric parts
  • Weekly: Hand wash the fabric parts
  • Silicone, Polycarbonate, Polyurethane foam, Nylon, Spandex, Polyester, Spandex, Magnet, Acetal
Mask Type
  • Nasal
  • Petite, Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large
  • 90 days
  • Inspect daily for wear, replace at first sign of wear
Intent of Use
  • To be used on patients greater than 30kg with a CPAP prescription
Operating Specifications
Operating Specifications
Operating pressure
  • 4 - 30 cmH2O
Warning: Magnetic Interference
Warning: Magnetic Interference
Beware with pacemakers
  • Read IFU before using
  • .

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