Follow these simple steps to begin pairing your Philips body analysis scale:
1) Download and log in to the Philips HealthSuite health app on your mobile device.
2) The startup Wizard will guide you through creating a profile.
In the app, go to Settings and then to Add a device. Select the device you wish to add from the list.
3) Make sure both the app and Bluetooth are on when pairing is in progress.
4) To start the pairing process press the measurement unit button for 3 seconds.
5) The display will indicate that the connection is being established.
6) In the app, create the profile you want to use for the connection.
- The body analysis scale supports 8 user profiles. (Note: if a 9th user is added, or a user profile is not accepted, please choose an existing profile to overwrite.)
7) Now, step on the Philips body analysis scale barefoot to do an initial weighing. This weight will be assigned to your user profile. The scale will switch off automatically.