Pacifier must-haves First, let’s cover a few comfort essentials. Comfort might be personal, but we think there are some non-negotiables. All our pacifiers are BPA free, orthodontic and support the natural palate development of your baby. Get personal about comfort Now, let’s get more personal. To narrow down your search for the best pacifier you’ll need to consider a few things: Find the right type of comfort So now that you know what to consider, we’ll explain how our pacifiers stack up against each other.
Soothie Soothie is our one-piece pacifier made of medical-grade silicone. Unlike a regular pacifier, Soothie allows you to also offer the comfort of your finger, to help baby latch on, via a hole on the front. Sizes: 0-3 months and 3+ months Best for: Parents who want a durable, one-piece silicone pacifier that offers extra comfort.
Soothie Snuggle Soft, cuddly and so lovable, Philips Avent Soothie snuggle is the perfect first companion for baby. It keeps Soothie, the pacifier used by doctors and nurses to calm newborns, close by so it’s easy for parents and babies to find. The Soothie and plush toy are detachable for easy cleaning. The plush toy also has a second attachment mechanism for use with pacifiers that have ring handles. Sizes: 0+ months Best for: Parents who want to keep Soothie close to baby and easier to find in the diaper bag.
Soothie snuggle
Ultra air pacifier If your baby has sensitive skin, our ultra air pacifier is for you! It’s designed with a lightweight, breathable shield that allows for maximum air flow, so skin stays drier while soothing; 84% of moms agree!* 98% of babies accept the nipple**, so you can feel confident with this choice. Ultra air pacifiers come packaged in a sterilizer / carrying case that can be used to sterilize them with water in the microwave. They’re also available in long-lasting glow-in-the-dark decorations that are easy to find at night. Sizes: 0-6 months, 6-18 months, 18+ months Best for: Parents of babies with sensitive skin, and parents who need a little extra help finding pacifiers in the dark.
Ultra air
ultra air nighttime pacifier
Ultra soft pacifier Does your little one love a delicate touch? The ultra soft pacifier is designed with a flexible, soft shield for fewer skin marks and less skin irritation; and 98% of babies accept the nipple**, so you can feel confident with this choice. The pacifiers come packaged in a sterilizer / carrying case that can be used to sterilize them with water in the microwave. Sizes: 0-6 months and 6-18 months Best for: Parents who want a pacifier that’s extra comfortable on baby’s skin.
ultra soft pacifier
Final steps Once you’ve chosen a pacifier type based on your baby’s needs, choose the age-appropriate size and a design. There’s nothing more to it! Want to know more about our pacifiers? Click here to explore the range. * MetrixLab Home Placement Test with 118 U.S. moms, 2017 ** 98% of moms say their babies accept the textured nipple in our ultra air and ultra soft pacifiers, independent research, USA, 2016 - 2017
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