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    smartsleep headband masthead

    Put your sleep to work with

    Philips SmartSleep
    Deep Sleep Headband

    Feel more rested and refreshed

    without changing how long you sleep1

    Wearable sleep headband and mobile app clinically proven to improve the quality of your sleep

    Increases your energy in the same sleep time

    Developed with doctors and researchers

    For people who typically sleep < 6 hours per night

    Drug-free sleep enhancement technology

    Includes 30 self-adhesive sensors which can be used 1-3 times

    SmartSleep with sensor
    nasa banner dsh

    See how it works:

    connected sleep headband & app

    SmartSleep how to video

    Beyond sleep tracking, the sleep-enhancing headband and sleep app is a complete solution that actively improves your sleep. During the night our bodies cycle through different stages of sleep: rapid-eye movement (or REM), and non-REM sleep, which has three stages. When your body is in the third stage of non-REM – deep sleep – your heartbeat and breathing slow to their lowest levels and muscles relax. This is the most restorative stage of sleep often called "slow wave sleep".

    Using SmartSleep thumbnail 1

    Two small sensors from the headband detect when you are in deep sleep.

    Using SmartSleep thumbnail 2

    Once in “slow wave sleep”, the algorithm triggers quiet audio tones to boost these slow waves, thus improving quality of sleep.

    Using SmartSleep thumbnail 3

    It monitors your level of sleep from moment to moment and responds in real time.

    Using SmartSleep thumbnail 4

    Every night, our proprietary algorithm customizes the timing and volume of tones to your sleep pattern.

    Using SmartSleep thumbnail 6

    Volume is controlled not to wake you up, and Bluetooth and Wi-Fi are off when device is being worn.

    Using SmartSleep thumbnail 5

    Every morning, the SleepMapper App will show you your sleep metrics and your sleep boost score.

    Some users feel the benefits as early as the first night, and 80% report positive results in the first two weeks of use.

    Stay informed about Philips SmartSleep and receive 15% off your next purchase at the Philips online store

    Is the Deep Sleep Headband right for you?

    You may be a good candidate if:

    You are looking for better sleep for you and your partner

    You are looking to improve the quality of your deep sleep

     You do not have sleep apnea (OSA) or other serious sleep issues

    You are looking to increase energy, boost alertness, and reduce daytime sleepiness

    You easily sleep through a gentle nudge or slight disturbance

    You sleep less than 6 hours a night due to lifestyle1

    You snore predominantly on your back

    You are not looking for help falling asleep or staying asleep throughout the night

    You are having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep

    You are not looking to induce or prolong deep sleep

    You want an alternative to sleep medications or supplements

    Not for people with existing sleep conditions such as insomnia or sleep apnea

    Cole did it. You can too.

    See how Cole took charge of his sleep

    See how Cole took charge of his sleep.


    Everyday more people are empowering themselves to feel better by improving their sleep. For many, they can sleep well but their lifestyle keeps them from sleeping the required amount. Not getting enough sleep can impact the quality of their night, resulting in poor performance during the day. See how the Philips SmartSleep Deep Sleep Headband is helping Cole get better quality deep sleep.1 So, he can put his sleep to work.


    Participants were given free products to use and paid for their time.

    What Users Are Saying

    SmartSleep users composite image
    Five stars

    "Awesome product. Feeling so much better!"

    - Brian C.**

    Five stars

    "You may not realize it, but this is the future of sleep."

    - Anik S.**

    Five stars

    "Very comfortable, great data, easy to use."

    - Theodore S.**

    ** Ratings and reviews from real users who participated in our Limited Release program March 19 – June 30, 2018.

    Track your sleep improvement

    with the SleepMapper mobile app

    Your data screen

    Overall sleep score summary

    The SleepMapper mobile app tracks your sleep patterns over time, measures key metrics and shows the slow wave boost you get from SmartSleep each night.

    Sync the app to your headband each morning to see the enhancement given each night.

    If you are looking for information about CPAP, please visit the Philips DreamMapper site.

    Data details screen

    Detailed view of nightly metrics

    What is the Healthy Sleep Score? 

    The Healthy Sleep Score is an aggregate of several dimensions of your sleep.

    SmartSleep  video thumbnail

    It includes the total amount of time that you sleep, how long it takes you to fall asleep, the number of awakenings that occur while you sleep and the Sleep Boost. Each component value is either adding to or detracting from your best sleep. We help you to see where this is occurring so that you can actively manage to improve your sleep quality. Getting more total sleep is your best bet to improving your overall Healthy Sleep Score. 

    What's included  


    Deep Sleep Headband

    • Soft fabric headband worn during the night
    • Monitors sleep and generates audio tones that improve the quality of your deep sleep




    • Placed behind the right ear for accurate sleep monitoring
    • Each sensor can be used 1-3 times

    SleepMapper app icon

    SleepMapper mobile app


    • View your sleep metrics and personalized sleep insights
    • Optionally control settings on your headband

    30 day money-back guarantee


    The Philips Store offers a 30 day hassle-free return policy. If you are not fully satisfied with your Philips SmartSleep product within 30 days we will refund your purchase.   


    Unfortunately this product is no longer available

    Suggested retail price: $399.99


    Unfortunately this product is no longer available

    Suggested retail price: $399.99

    Doctor or clinician?

    Click here › to learn more about the science behind the SmartSleep Deep Sleep Headband

    sensors refill

    Philips reusable sensors

    How many nights can I use the sticky ear sensors? How do I know when I have to use a new one? 

    Up to 3 uses are the normal use period for the sticky sensor behind the ear. If it is not secure at the time you go to bed, then you will not have a good contact and will not receive the full value of the sleep tones through the night for your recovery in deep sleep.  

    Do not use each sensor more than 3 nights because it could affect device performance. The sensor (behind the ear) is considered a disposable component and should be replaced every 3 nights.


    Note: The gel in the middle of the sensor is very important to its function. If the gel becomes dislodged, discard the sensor and use a new one.

    Suggested retail price: $29.99
    smartsleep analyzer

    Not sure what your sleep challenge is?


    For nearly 40 years, Philips has been studying sleep from every angle to understand how it affects health. Take the first step to sleep empowerment with the clinically validated* Philips SmartSleep Analyzer. In as little as 10 minutes, it can assess your sleep habits and identify whether the Deep Sleep Headband is right for you.

    More Philips SmartSleep solutions

    Clinically proven products that address most known sleep issues

    understanding sleep

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    1 When used for 2 weeks in people who do not get enough sleep due to lifestyle * ER 2236335: Final Study Report, VISC-Q Trial Validation of an Online Sleep Characterization Questionnaire
    Snoring, sleep apnea, and sleep deprivation


    SmartSleep Deep Sleep Headband is for adults who do not get enough sleep due to lifestyle. It is not for people with sleep disorders, such as insomnia or sleep apnea, or people with hearing impairment unable to hear 80 dBs. Some users over the age of 50 may not experience significantly improved deep sleep.


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