With barbershops closed in many parts of the world, the attention of many guys is starting to turn towards what to do about their hair. In consultation with an experienced barber, we’ve compiled some handy tips and tricks you’ll need to stay looking presentable in-between haircuts.
Bonus tip: if you’re self-isolating or quarantined at home with somebody else, then asking them for help trimming the back of your neck is relatively straightforward. If you’re alone however, then it can be a little more tricky. To get the best possible view of the back of your neck, position yourself in a well-lit area with one mirror in front of you and another one behind. Trimming like this can be tricky at first, but practice makes perfect.
All-in-One Trimmer
Series 9000
Multigroom 7000
Face, Head and Body
All-in-One Trimmer
Series 5000
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